
One Piece Z Movie Ger Sub

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One Piece Film: Z is the 12th Ane Slice motion picture, released on Dec 15, 2012.[two] The pic was scripted by Osamu Suzuki, directed past Tatsuya Nagamine and executive produced past Eiichiro Oda.[three] Yasutaka Nakata wrote and performed the theme song.


Said to be comparable to the Ancient Weapons, the Marines' trump card the "Dyna Stones" have suddenly been stolen and the terrifyingly powerful man responsible, former Marine Admiral "Z", stands in the path of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Marine Headquarters finally moves forrard to deal with the conspiracy that threatens to shake the very pillars of the New World, and Kuzan encounters the Straw Hat Pirates in the New World. Finally, Luffy and his coiffure motility to take a stand against Z and his incredible power.[four]


Wrath of the Neo Marines

Z fighting Marine soldiers.

The story begins with Z singing a requiem, as he prepares for boxing. His fleet of Neo Marines button past the defenses of Marine ships and invades Firs Isle. He, forth with his subordinates Ain and Binz, easily make their way by the Marines stationed at that place.

Eventually Z and his solders break into the Marine base, and acquire the Dyna Stones. As his men begin loading the weapons aboard their ships, Admiral Kizaru appears and begins a deadly onslaught, destroying their ships and bravado away the Neo Marine soldiers. Z rushes to their aid and clashes with Kizaru.

Kizaru vs. Zephyr.

As the two fight, Ain and Binz evacuate the Neo Marines onto the surviving ships. Kizaru asks how long it has been since the two terminal met, wondering what brings him to the island. Z warns that he relies too much on his Pika Pika no Mi abilities. Kizaru responds he is still stubborn as a stone, addressing him every bit Main Zephyr. Z responds that he abandoned that name. The ii clash fiercely.

The devastation of Firs Island.

Kizaru tries to inquire why Zephyr wants the Dyna Stones. However, Z responds by using i of the stones to attack the admiral, firing it direct into Kizaru'southward confront. The blast engulfs the unabridged island, destroying everything. Kizaru survives the explosion however thank you to his powers simply Z is seemingly lost in the blast. The Neo Marines are safe from the blast and the Marines, but Ain is concerned for Z.

At the aforementioned time, Aokiji passes by the area and notices the destruction of the island.

Z and the Straw Hat Pirates

The Harbinger Hats jubilant Cerise Blossom season.

Meanwhile non too far from the location, the Straw Hats are having a "Ruddy Blossom" party on the Sunny. Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, Franky, and Brook are goofing around. Usopp sprays his Popular Greens with pesticide (the smell of which interrupts the party for a bit). Robin watches and enjoys their antics while Nami is trying to read but can't due to the ruckus from the others. Sanji naturally is serving and fawning over her.

Volcanic ash of a sudden begins to pelting from the sky much to their defoliation. Nami studies her Log Pose and finds the needle spinning where the volcano had erupted from. She realizes that the needle must be spinning around because the volcano must accept destroyed the island and the needle no longer has a magnetic field to lock on. Franky says it is impossible, simply she points out that they are in the New World, anything is possible. Usopp whispers to her that they have to hibernate this from Luffy and choose a safer road. Despite it, Luffy notices the spinning needle, deciding to head in that direction. Usopp whines, merely Nami tells him to trust in her navigational skills. He warns her that the paths they choose could toll them their lives, but she tells him the matter is out of their hands now.

Every bit Usopp continues to whine, Luffy spots the battered trunk of Z clinging to life on a slice of driftwood out at sea, and attempts to rescue him. When he grabs ahold of his mechanical arm, he becomes weak and Sanji and Usopp having to help pull Z aboard. Chopper examines Z, but finds that he should be fine. Nami shows signs of suspicion, worrying that they picked up someone problematic. Robin notices his arm is congenital out of Seastone, the reason why Luffy became weak when he touched him. Sanji reminds them all that Seastone is used against Devil Fruit users with him and Zoro debating whether to throw him overboard. Chopper defends him, with Luffy ordering him to save his life and that he'd deal with him if he was an enemy.

Luffy and Z run across.

Z awakens after in Chopper's infirmary, with Zoro and Sanji standing guard outside. He thank you Chopper for his intendance, calling him a not bad medic and meets Luffy who remained in the room during Z'due south treatment. Z immediately tags him as the send's captain. Luffy asks him what he plans to do next, every bit Z tells him he is carrying a Vivre Card and his comrades should notice him soon. Luffy begins asking questions about Z. Nigh his arm and what he's doing. Things seem to go fine at start. At least until Luffy reveals he's a pirate.

Z instantly attacks and throws Luffy through the wall. He asks Luffy why he is a pirate to which Luffy proudly responds he will be the Pirate King. This comment infuriates Z, as he madly swings his Battle Smasher effectually. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji all begin fighting him with Z able to hold them all off with relative ease. Ain and Binz then arrive with a fleet of ships and board the Sunny, announcing they will be confiscating it. Franky attacks, with Binz summoning vines that are able to subdue him. Robin tries attacking, but he proves as well quick for her to grab him with her artillery.

Z subdues Luffy.

Usopp, Chopper and Brook rush to help, but Binz ensnares them all in vines as well. Nami briefly battles Ain, simply she uses her Devil Fruit ability and shrinks Nami down to a pocket-sized child. Chopper breaks out of the vines and charges her, but Ain evades him and uses her ability on him as well. She goes on to use her power on the subdued Beck. Robin tries to catch her earlier she tin continue, and demands to know what she did to Nami and Chopper. Notwithstanding, Ain takes advantage of Robin's powers, and touches her duplicated artillery to de-historic period her to the appearance of a young teen.

Own explains she has the ability to revert things with a touch by 12 years. She tells Robin she would only need to touch her 2 more than times and she would disappear.

Z overpowers the Monster Trio and throws them out into the deck of the ship. He grabs Luffy with his Battle Smasher, sapping away his powers and chastises Luffy'south dream. Telling him he'll never be Pirate Rex with his strength. Curiosity piqued, he asks Luffy his name. When he tells him, Z connects him as Garp'southward grandson earlier throwing him onto the deck with the other Harbinger Hats.

The Marine summit.

He announces to the Straw Hats he will destroy all pirates and orders the Neo Marines to attack the Sunny, bombarding her with cannons. While Luffy wishes to continues his battle with Z, the pleas of his crewmates force him to retreat. He frees Franky from his bonds who speedily heads for the steering and he uses a Insurrection de Burst to escape much to the surprise of the Neo Marines.

Meanwhile at the Marine Headquarters, Fleet Admiral Sakazuki calls a summit meeting of his loftier ranking officers to talk over the contempo events. Akainu states the Dyna Stones were a trump card against the New World.

He tells the Marines Z's programme is to use the Dyna Stones to destroy the End Points, which will destroy the entire ocean surrounding the New World. Kizaru chimes in that Z must have died from getting defenseless in the explosion at Firs Island. Tsuru disagrees, knowing that as a onetime Admiral he would have survived. Akainu laments the treachery of their former teacher, but resolves that he must be stopped along with the Neo Marines.

Garp at Firs Isle.

Garp, Koby and Helmeppo, who aren't attending the meeting, are most the remains of the still erupting Firs Island. Koby questions if the rumor of the Cease Points being destroyed was true or not. Garp tells Koby that if information technology was merely a lie they wouldn't be taking such extreme measures. He tells the two that Z plans to destroy all the pirates in the New World with the Cease Points, but not only volition information technology kill all pirates on the seas only everyone else living there likewise. I of the Marines asks Garp who exactly this Z person is. Garp briefly explains that Z was once a Marine who fought aslope him and the others during their youth. He worries that his anger and hatred volition destroy the world.

Adventures on Secon Island

Franky making repairs to the Sunny.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hats are recovering on a nearby island, where Franky goes to work on fixing the Sunny. He tells Luffy to go later on Z while he repairs the damage done. Chopper regrets saving Z'southward life, but Sanji tells him a pirate should live without regrets of what he believes in and the crew don't blame him for what happened. The crew then hash out their next course of action with finding Z and restoring those who were de-anile beingness their peak priority. Nami proposes gathering intel on their enemy equally the first place to start.

Mobston, an old man approaches them and asks if they had a run in with Z. He tells them many pirate ships that have come up to the island have been attacked by him and as such, lose their will to continue and gave upward piracy. He is pleasantly surprised that Luffy still wishes to fight after losing so badly to him and offers up his finest equipment to utilize in their quest. Nami tells the crew to not arouse suspicion, they demand a new change of clothes outset. They are told their all-time identify to offset is to have the Ocean Train to neighboring island, Secon Isle.

Robin working as a dancer.

As they head to their next destination, they dissever their into groups and carve up upwardly. Luffy, Brook, Sanji, and Zoro all relax in a local hot leap to residuum, recover, and set up for the upcoming fight. While Luffy wants to go find Z, Sanji tells him to keep a depression profile since the island is crawling with Marine soldiers.

Elsewhere, Nami and Robin have gotten work at a bar. Robin woos the crowd with her adept looks and dancing, as Nami works as a server. Usopp is disguised as Robin'south managing director, and Chopper works outside as a shoe shiner.

Somewhere else on the island, Z and his coiffure finish planting the Dyna Stones over the active volcano. Z promises when it erupts the Marines will know his fury.

As Luffy and the others relax in the hot springs, Luffy vows to non let his guard downwardly around Z again. Sanji tells him as long as he is a Devil Fruit user and lets himself get caught past his arm he will lose, offering to permit him and Zoro to fight him instead. Luffy turns him downwards, knowing to avoid his arm for their next fight. Notwithstanding, a familiar voice calls out to them, challenge he was getting tired waiting for them. The group finds it belongs to Kuzan who's resting in a nearby bath. The grouping instantly proceed guard. Save for Brook who does not recognize him, but panics when they fill him in that he is an Admiral.

Kuzan with the Straw Hats.

Kuzan reassures them he is non at that place to capture them, and had given up beingness an Admiral. Beck asks what he is then, with Kuzan finding being questioned bothersome. He thinks on the question, and is unable to think of a proper answer confusing them further. However, he tells them again he is non their enemy anymore and reminds them if he was he wouldn't be in a hot spring where he can't use his powers. As Kuzan gets out of the water, the Straw Hats meet his battle scarred trunk, and his missing leg that he regrows with his ice powers. Noticing their shocked expressions, he but notes he "got into a flake of mischief".

Nami and Usopp meet upwardly with Chopper to share data. Chopper reports he heard rumors of some Marines showing up because of Z. Usopp says there are lots of Marines where he was, but is unsure if it has to practise with Z or Robin's popularity. Though on aside, they did make some good money (which Nami instantly takes when Usopp shows Chopper). Dorsum at the spa, Kuzan and Luffy's group talk some more, with Luffy asking him what happened to his leg. Just Kuzan doesn't wishes to respond, likewise when questioned why Akainu and he fought. He does answer he wishes his only reason for coming was to enjoy the hot springs, but is chasing Z. Kuzan likewise correctly guesses that the Straw Hats has fought against Z, remarking how potent he is.

Nami makes her rounds pressing for information from local Marines, learning Z is currently on the island. One of them spills information of his plan on destroying the Terminate Points. I Marine Captain becomes suspicious of her, and asks her why she is then curious about him. Panicking, she points the arraign to Usopp. The Captain tries to escort her away for questioning, but Robin subdues the Captain and the group take off, their comprehend blown.

Kuzan warning the Straw Hats about Z.

Kuzan and Luffy's grouping shortly leave the spa every bit he talks nearly the great age of pirates. He ponders to himself if pirates are made from the 1 Slice existing, or if the One Slice exists because of the pirates. Telling them how when some follow their dreams, it tin pb to hurting and sadness of others. He tells them that Z plans to destroy piracy by destroying the 1 Slice. He has chosen to follow Z'due south journey, just is unsure what actions he himself must take. He and so departs, telling Luffy he will notice Z on the isle.

Luffy thinks back to his encounter of Z questioning Luffy's dream, until the rest of the Straw Hats catch up with them with a group of Marines on their tail. Luffy dispatches them all with his Haoshoku Haki save for the captain whom he inquire where Z is. Reluctantly, the Marine Helm tells him the location of Z, explaining they were planning to ambush him. His squad of soldiers are then shown trying to subdue Z who hands beats anybody around him. Kibin, the last standing, clashes with him. He uses his Tekkai, only Z breaks his defense with the power of his Armored Haki and defeats him. The Dyna Stones explode, causing the volcano to erupt. Z informs his men the destruction the Second Point has been a success and they need simply destroy i more island. Stating his plan as the "Grand Reboot", to which he wishes to purge the seas of pirates and start everything anew.

Luffy vs. Z.

Luffy, along with Zoro, Usopp and Sanji find their location and he instantly attacks. Z blocks it, showing mild surprise to see Luffy. Luffy demands Z alter his friends back to normal. Ain and Binz assail which Sanji and Zoro intercept them. Z tells Luffy if he wants something, he has to take it like a pirate. Luffy and Z both strike, the daze setting off the volcano to explode forth with magma. Kuzan saves the lives of some civilians by knocking away a volcanic rock and tells them to get to the Sea Train. Kuzan looks on at the devastation, wondering if Z has finally lost his mind.

Luffy and Z battle with Luffy managing to counter virtually of his attacks. Every bit they fight, Z questions Luffy if he has the resolve to be the pirate king and that if he'southward willing to cede his crew to make his dream happen.

Z takes Luffy's straw hat.

Elsewhere Zoro and Ain exchange strikes, only she breaks off her assail promising she'd kill him the next time they met. Sanji begins to overpower Binz, sending powerful kicks to his face but Binz breaks off the fight and escapes with a fume bomb forth with Ain. Luffy and Z clash furious blows, with Z mocking Luffy telling him if he keeps being afraid of his Battle Smasher, he'll never land any hits on him. He strikes the ground, sending Luffy flying abroad. In the procedure, Luffy's hat is sent flying from his head.

Z fires more bullets at Luffy who deflects back at him, stating his bullets will never damage him, until Z pulls out a small pistol and fires a bullet into his shoulder made from Seastone, incapacitating Luffy. Mocking Luffy further, he tells him the strongest people in the New World would have never have let themselves be hitting with information technology and he relies also much on his Devil Fruit power. He takes Luffy's hat, promising to coffin information technology himself once he has finished destroying the age of pirates.

Kuzan freezing the flow of lava.

Luffy manages to go upward and tries to repossess his hat, telling Z the hat was given to him by Shanks. Z grabs Luffy in his powerful grips and tells him Shanks, along with the residuum of the 4 Emperors will all die before they know what is happening. Luffy becomes enraged, screaming at him to not mock Shanks. Z responds past blasting Luffy with the Smasher'due south Cannon, ultimately defeating him. Usopp, Zoro and Sanji regroup and discover Luffy. Every bit they do, the volcanic ash begins to cover the whole island forcing the group to run for it.

Usopp uses 1 of his Pop Greens to make a banana shaped boat to ride down a slanted areas of the boondocks only they're knocked off at a crossroads. Simply every bit their deaths seemed imminent, Kuzan appears and encases the magma and ash in a gigantic layer of ice giving them fourth dimension to escape. The Straw Hats lath the sea train and flee, just earlier the isle blows taking the in one case thriving boondocks with information technology.

Z'due south Hatred

Z is shown watching the island exploding from ane of his ships, with Own wondering of Luffy's fate. Z reflects on the One Piece and becomes angered over how much suffering and death its existence has brought to the world. That pirates consider it a symbol of liberty, but he will destroy that and bring a close to the great pirate age.

Z during his youth.

Meanwhile, Garp and Sengoku are seen discussing Z'due south deportment. Sengoku notes how tragic Z'due south history has been, but destroying the island and putting innocent civilians in danger was unacceptable. Garp remarked that not everyone could meet things equally blackness and white like him. Koby asks Garp about Z, wondering what kind of human he was like. Garp obliges and tells the two of Zephyr's past. Explaining that Zephyr was always a serious man, that he was e'er fighting in front of men on the battleground. He had become an Admiral when he was nevertheless immature, and led a happy life until his wife and son were killed by a pirate who hated him.

That hatred and sadness stayed with him as he continued to perform his duties. He had become a teacher who had trained many of the loftier ranking Marines who now serve the World Government today and was loved by many. However he suffered some other tragedy when he had lost his right arm and was unable to end a powerful pirate from slaying a coiffure of trainees he tried to protect, with Own and Binz the only survivors. Zephyr took this defeat into a new goal to hunt down pirate with Devil Fruits with his new mechanical arm that was built for him.

Shortly afterwards, the pirate who had taken his arm and his crew was nominated by the Government to become a Shichibukai. This was Zephyr'southward final harbinger, he left the Marines afterward this in great disgust. Unable to rely on the Marines anymore to inflict proper justice, he formed the Neo Marines equally an enemy to both marines and pirates akin. Koby asks why Zephyr is called Z now, to which Garp confesses he doesn't know.

Zephyr meets Kuzan.

Some fourth dimension later on, the Neo Marines arrive on Piriodo. Z leaves his crew for a chip to become to a makeshift grave where he finds Kuzan singing the requiem vocal from the beginning of the movie. He tells Z he e'er hated that song, earlier giving him a bottle of his favorite wine as a peace offering. He tells Z he used to drink that because of him, looking up to him. While Z is humbled that Kuzan is lecturing him, he states he plans to continue to get forward with his plan no matter what.

Kuzan tells him he might die, as Z responds that is no trouble if he can rid the earth of evil. Z tells him to step aside and the ii come to a tense stand off, but each side is unwilling to fight one another as enemies. Kuzan backs down and leaves Z to his machinations.

The Straw Hats render to Dock Isle, as Luffy is patched upwardly and has the Seastone bullet removed. Kuzan appears before the crew once more, telling Luffy to stop moping. Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Robin are shown terrified, just Luffy assures them it'southward alright. Kuzan explain Z'southward plan to the coiffure of destroying the three Endpoints with the Dyna Stones to release the Grande Imbuto, a fissure line underneath the One thousand Line. If Z destroys the last one, this will permit the magma flow to be release and inundation the ocean with burn. Though doing so will not only impale pirates, but innocents besides.

Kuzan explaining the Marine'south knowledge of the Endpoints.

Now that two of the Endpoints have been destroyed, Z is almost to go to the last ane, Piriodo, and unless the Straw Hats end him, the Pirate Era will end. The Endpoints had been considered a legend, with well-nigh thinking it was nonsense. The government covered up the truth near them, to dissuade pirates from using it. Thus only the World Government and highest ranking officers of the Marines know about it. He laments that it is an Admiral abusing this cognition to a higher place all else. He reminds them that he is not doing this out of power, but to punish pirates.

Luffy remains undeterred despite being defeated twice by Z, vowing to chase him downwardly and become his hat back. If he lets Z keep his hat, he could never face Shanks or be worthy of the Pirate Male monarch title. Kuzan then gives the crew an Eternal Pose leading to Piriodo. Nami asks why he is helping them, only he ignores the question and warns them that their journeying volition be very dangerous. If they lose to Z, they volition be destroyed along with the New World. Yet if they win they will be surrounded on all sides by the Marines, so it's lose-lose either way. With that said he leaves them to their own fates. The coiffure begin making their preparations to leave, equally Kuzan and Robin share a minor moment.

The Harbinger Hats head out to battle.

Franky reminds the coiffure about the equipment they were promised earlier, showing a large stash of armor and weapons Mobston had saved up from the previous crews that suffered from Z's wraith. Mobston gives Usopp his bicorn hat, believing they can bring down Z. They arrange up in their new gear and head out. As they are leaving, Gari approaches Luffy telling him he wants to grow upwardly to exist a hero but cant decide whether he wants to be an Admiral or a pirate. Sanji flatly states pirates aren't heroes. But Luffy chimes in saying if both feel the same, then it's okay and just practice whatever he pleases. Gari watches the Straw Hat Pirates leave, filled with admiration for them.

Battle for the New Earth

The Straw Hats intercept a blockade of Neo Marine warships guarding Piriodo. They smash through their defenses with the Gaon Cannon before landing on the beaches with an army waiting for them. The Straw Hats begin fighting, using their new weapons to aid. Chopper fights off the hordes using his Guard Betoken, holding many rifles within himself. Luffy tries fighting with two sabers, but he quickly discards them shouting for Z to announced. Zoro finds himself separated from the group, and is met once over again by Ain. She announces she won't let Zoro attain her principal. Zoro tells her he has nada against her, merely volition fight with everything he has. Ain admits she probably will not win, just volition buy Z as much time as she tin can and will gladly dice for him. Zoro remarks he felt hesitation in her sword, angering her.

Luffy victorious over the Neo Marines.

Sanji is shown fighting with Binz once again, as he tells him how tired he is of listening to him talk nigh his master, wondering if the Ain and he are just kids. Luffy finishes fighting off a large group of Neo Marines, every bit he had used his large meat stick every bit a club. Feeling tired, he eats the emergency nutrient gaining his stamina back for the fight alee.

Equally the Straw Hats fight with the Neo Marines, Kizaru and a large fleet of Marines arrive on the isle. Kizaru cheerfully says that he'll kill every one of the Straw Hats along with Z. Meanwhile, Z himself is sitting in the mouth of the volcano surrounded by Dyna Stones placed to blow. Later on a swig of his wine, he stares eagerly at Luffy's straw hat awaiting his inevitable arrival. Luffy is shown fighting off more Neo Marines trying to stop his advances. He uses his Haki, dodging multiple shots from cannons gradually getting closer.

Zoro and Own battle as she uses her powers to turn the hardened volcanic rock around them back into flowing magma. Zoro slashes the magma aside easily. Meanwhile Sanji breaks through Binz vines landing hard kicks to his body. Robin uses her Gigantesco Mano move, summoning giant legs to stomp the surrounding enemies. Brook unleashes Soul Solid, freezing a large number of soldiers in place. Chopper uses his Kung-Fu point, able to physically concord off the soldiers and contrivance their every moves. Usopp uses Hissatsu Midori Bosshi, summoning a forest of strong bamboo sticks pulverizing the soldiers. Nami uses her Clima-Tact to summon down a lightning tempest on the battleground, striking both enemy and marry alike.

The Pacifista'due south arrival.

The Harbinger Hats win their battles, standing victorious over the defeated Neo Marines. However an regular army of modified Pacifista appear and begin their onslaught. The crew are forced to run until Franky arrives in the Franky Shogun to turn the tide. Franky takes on the Pacifista, able to fight them all off with his superior strength. Once clustered together, he destroys them with a powerful Radical Beam.

Zoro chases Ain through the volcanic lands, both of them ambivalent their swords against ane another. Zoro is shown to exist physically dominating the lucifer, as she desperately tries using two pistols against him. Zoro cleaves through the bullets easily and then cuts the guns out of her easily. He finishes the match by performing his Santoryu Seiryu In: Ryusui slash. Ain collapses to the ground, as Zoro stands victorious.

Sanji and Binz are battling information technology out in the air, with Sanji maneuvering around his vines keeping to the air with his Sky Walk. Binz throws his large shuriken stars that Sanji kicks bated with his Diable Jambe footwork. His anger against attacking Nami fuels him during his lucifer, landing multiple kicks to Binz who struggles to keep upwards. Sanji bursts into a ball of flames, using his new Sexy Burn move to terminate him off. His powerful kick sends Binz crashing down below, every bit Sanji takes a moment to light a cigarette.

Upon Ain's defeat, her effects begin to vesture off. Nami grows back to her adult size, with the armor she is sporting at present barely plumbing equipment her body. Chopper reverts back growing slightly, forth with Robin and Brook (though it doesn't seem to shows any signs of alter on him). The grouping caput on to catch up with Luffy.

Z's last battle with Luffy.

Luffy finally finds Z waiting for him inside the volcano. He discards his jacket, as the two engage in a furious battle. Luffy pounds away against his Boxing Smasher arm, with Z calling his efforts useless. Their fight grows more intense, Luffy's shirt incinerating off him from Z's raw strength. He tells Luffy he cannot defeat his justice. Luffy unleashes his Gatling Gun punches, able to land a few brief hits on Z'southward torso and break the rigging supporting the Battle Smasher on Z's arm.

Z compliments Luffy on having courage for a pirate, remarking he is far braver than the Marines. Luffy inflates his fist to Gear Tertiary, using his Gigant Pistol move at Z. Z matches Luffy's hit with his Smash Equalizer, both unable to push each other dorsum. Z begins showing signs of fatigue, every bit the two blitz and smash each others fists against one another as hard as they tin. The force of the touch on sends rippling daze waves forth the volcano.

The Harbinger Hats take hold of up to the battle, seeing Luffy had managed to exit an imprint of his fist inside Z'due south giant metal fist. Z asks him why he wants to fight him so much. That even if he defeats him, nobody volition thank him for his efforts for the stigma of being a pirate. Luffy responds if he can't defeat him, he will never be able to get the Pirate King. The Boxing Smasher breaks then and there and falls from Z's arm, revealing a smaller mechanical arm he can still use. Z tells Luffy he is going to dedicate his life to ending his ambition, challenging him for a terminal bout.

Z and Luffy battle with their Haki.

Z and Luffy activate their Armament Haki, their artillery turning a hardened black. The ii appoint in a brutal fist fight, both hit each other with imbued Haki. Kuzan is seen watching their match from a distance, stating "Blackness Arm" Zephyr has returned. Z and Luffy both give each other hard punches to the breast and stomach, giving Luffy a moment to recoil and puke. Luffy strikes back a dial that knocks Z's spectacles correct off.

A brief flashback is seen in his heed of his early childhood, rattling his early memories. Z becomes elated, that he is being given such a skillful fight. Both Luffy and him are worn out, still pushing each other with punches back and forth. He corners Luffy and begins pounding on him, with Luffy showing little sign he tin defend himself anymore. As Z begins to gain the upper hand, Luffy pushes him back with a boot.

Fighting on their terminal reserves, Luffy shouts he is going to be the Pirate King with Z shouting his name in absolute conviction. After exchanging a few more blows to i another, Luffy finally collapses from exhaustion. Z falls to the footing after, unable to fight anymore too. Z bitterly says he's gotten old, and his body can't keep upwards with him anymore. He finds it disappointing, telling Luffy he was enjoying fighting him.

Equally the battle ends, the Harbinger Hats blitz over to Luffy's assistance, with Own and Binz doing the same for Z. Z tells Luffy to cease him, but Luffy merely tells him he'south already satisfied equally he regains his straw hat, giving him a smile. He offers to continue fighting him but Z turns him down, also being satisfied. Z apologizes to Own for giving her so such work. Ain begins crying for him, telling him she's happy he is alright.

Kizaru arrives with the Marine army.

Nonetheless, the reunion is brusk-lived every bit Kizaru and then arrives with his army, telling them he is going to kill them all. Z says he's done everything he'south wanted to do, and now will face the cost for it as he marches towards the Marine army. He dismisses Luffy, and tells him to leave the residual to him. Ain tries to rush to his side, but Kuzan summons a giant wall of water ice dividing everyone from him. Z begrudgingly accepts he's been given a place to dice, as he faces the Marines head on.

Even near expiry, his raw strength overpowers all the soldiers around him. Kizaru unleashes his Yasakani no Magatama set on, filling the heaven with thousands of beams of light than pelting downwards upon Z. He is hurt badly, filled with burning holes in his body simply still stands against them. The Marines begin weeping, shedding tears for beingness forced to kill their dearest teacher. Z announces he will give them all their last preparation lesson, as he barrels forth giving his all for one last battle.

The Harbinger Hats depart the island, watching the battle unfold in grim silence equally Z gives up his life to save them. Somewhen Z is defeated and passes abroad (offscreen). Ain and Binz visit his gravestone that has his Battle Smasher arm wrapped effectually the cross, nonetheless with the fist imprint on where Luffy struck it. Kuzan tells the two not to cry for him, for he lived the way he wanted without any regrets. Kuzan remarks he was an incredible human.

Zephyr equally a child.

The movie ends in a flashback as a young male child dressed as a superhero and wielding a log on his right arm beats up bullies that were harassing a young girl. As other kids cheer him on, the boy claims himself a hero of justice under the name "Z".

During the credits, it is revealed that subsequently Z'due south defeat, the Straw Hats returned to Dock Island one last time, to return the gear and weapons Mobston had given them. They bid them cheerio, and Gari decided to get a pirate.

Episode of Luffy

Crash landing on an isle later on escaping a fight against the Marines, the Harbinger Lid Pirates decide to explore while Franky repairs and move the send.

Luffy befriends a wax sculptor, and after being told that his apprentice had joined the Marines and subsequently been imprisoned due to knowing how to create incredibly solid wax, Luffy determine to meets with the others and get out to discover the apprentice, facing up confronting Bilić and his inventions.

Glorious Island

Luffy, Nami and Beck are relaxing in the pool as a Ocean Horse attacks them. Sanji tell Luffy that he tin can make soup from the aggressor so Luffy defeat the brute while the residue of the crew set up for the political party. This special leads directly to the beginning of the picture.

Z's Ambition Arc

Further data: Z's Ambition Arc

Afterwards leaving Fish-Man Island the Straw Hats come across Lily Enstomach who tries to free her male parent from being sent to Impel Down. They agree to help her and after finding Momonga and the Marines escorting him they begin the rescue mission.

During the assail, Shuzo pb the Neo Marines attack in an attempt to impale Panz Fry and a three fashion battle commence. The Harbinger Hats somewhen succeed in rescuing Panz Fry and escaping their adversaries, and get-go preparing the ingredients for Panz Fry's famous volcano cooking. The grouping is suddenly attacked by Shuzo, who tracked them using a Vivre Card he attached to Panz Fry and restart his attack on the Behemothic.

Luffy and Lily tries to fight back but are browbeaten. Lily asks Usopp to fire her into Shuzo's mouth in order to defeat him using her Devil Fruit powers, just Shuzo uses Luffy equally a shield and Lily enter his mouth instead. Still, Lily even so deactivates her power and with Luffy's own abilities combine, they defeat the Neo Marines. Momonga capture and arrest Shuzo and head to Impel Downwardly.

The Straw Hats enjoy Panz Fry cooking and afterward promising to run across again, they go their separate ways. Elsewhere, Zephyr and the residuum of the Neo Marines ready their attack on Firs Island.


Voice histrion Grapheme English Vocalisation Thespian
Mayumi Tanaka Monkey D. Luffy Colleen Clinkenbeard
Kazuya Nakai Roronoa Zoro Christopher Sabat
Akemi Okamura Nami Luci Christian
Kappei Yamaguchi Usopp Sonny Strait
Hiroaki Hirata Sanji Eric Vale
Ikue Ohtani Tony Tony Chopper Brina Palencia
Yuriko Yamaguchi Nico Robin Stephanie Immature
Kazuki Yao Franky Patrick Seitz
Yūichi Nagashima Brook Ian Sinclair
Hōchū Ōtsuka Z Jeremy Schwartz
Ryoko Shinohara Ain Lauren Landa
Teruyuki Kagawa Binz Matthew Mercer
Takehito Koyasu Kuzan Jason Douglas
Unshō Ishizuka Borsalino Ray Hurd
Fumihiko Tachiki Akainu Andrew Dear
Hiroshi Naka Monkey D. Garp Brian Mathis
Takkō Ishimori Sengoku Ed Blaylock
Mika Doi Koby Micah Solusod
Kōichi Nagano Helmeppo Mike McFarland
Minori Matsushima Tsuru Juli Erickson



Film Z Alternative Poster.png

Luffy and a silhouette of the antagonist Z.

Film Z Banner.png

Total colour banner for the moving-picture show.

Art by Oda

Kuzan Concept Art Z.png

Aokiji and the Straw Hats' new designs equally well as members of Z'due south coiffure.

Neo Marines Sketch.png

Z and his coiffure revealed in a browse. From left to right: Z, Binz, and Ain.

Ain & Binz Abilities and Seiyus.png

Information on Ain and Binz, including their seiyu.

Koby and Helmeppo Sketches Post Timeskip.png

Sketches of Koby and Helmeppo after the timeskip.

Chapter 691.png

Shonen Jump 2013 Issue 02.png

Shonen Jump 2013 Issue 03.png


The red themed character designs:

The Armani outfits used in the movie:

Straw Hat Pirates In Armani Clothing.png

Several of the Harbinger Hat Pirates' outfits in the film from Armani chosen by Oda.


  • This is the the get-go film which takes place subsequently the timeskip.
  • Several elements in the motion-picture show would after exist contradicted by the manga.
    • The new Marine Headquarters in the motion picture is different from the one in the manga.
    • Brannew is shown to be a commodore after the timeskip, while in the movie he is shown without the high rank officer coat.
      • However, this part could be considered catechism if 1 were to say he was promoted to commodore very belatedly in the timeskip, just before the Dressrosa Arc.
    • Robin was shown unable to grab Binz with her Hana Hana no Mi powers because he was moving too fast with Soru. This contradicts the Dressrosa Arc when she had no problem catching Hakuba (that was moving at equal or even higher speed). She even says that speed is useless while fighting her.
  • In an interview with Toyo Keizai, managing director Tatsuya Nagamine said that he suggested the titles of "Dream Crusher" or "Dream Smasher" because of Z's effort to crush pirates' dreams. However, Oda did not think those titles were catchy and preferred to name it "Z" afterwards the antagonist.[5]
  • The picture premiers the post time-skip appearances of the following characters: Former Fleet Admiral and new General Inspector Sengoku, Fleet Admiral Sakazuki (face not shown), Admiral Borsalino, Sometime Admiral Kuzan, Old Vice Admiral and new Instructor Monkey D. Garp, Vice Admiral Tsuru, Vice Admiral Smoker, Vice Admiral Doberman, Vice Admiral Strawberry, Vice Admiral Yamakaji, Vice Admiral Onigumo, Vice Admiral Momonga, Vice Admiral Comil, Vice Admiral Dalmatian, Vice Admiral Stainless, Vice Admiral Lacroix, Vice Admiral John Giant, Vice Admiral Lonz, Vice Admiral Mozambia, Vice Admiral Cancer, Vice Admiral Jonathan (non-catechism grapheme), Rear Admiral Yukimura (non-canon character), Commodore Brannew, Commodore Daigin, Commodore Kibin (non-canon character), Former Master Chief Petty Officeholder and new Captain Koby, Captain Tashigi, Captain Hina, Captain T Bone, Captain Shu, and Former Chief Petty Officer and new Lieutenant Commander Helmeppo
  • The film marks the debut advent of the new Marine Headquarters (formerly G-1) later on the timeskip, though information technology is dissimilar from the manga.
  • The film follows the manga fact that Sanji does not need to spin to activate his Diable Jambe mode, something the anime ignores completely.
  • This is the 2nd movie referred to every bit a "film", the first being Ane Piece Film: Strong World, the third being One Piece Motion picture: Gilded and the fourth being One Piece Pic: Red. All these movies were direct overseen by the creator of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda.
  • This is the second movie featuring an ex-Marine as the chief antagonist, the first existence Gasparde in the fourth picture show, Dead Finish Run a risk.
  • Two of this film's theme songs are sung by Canadian singer Avril Lavigne.[half-dozen]
  • Eiichiro Oda selected outfits designed by the manner label Armani for function of the film.[7]
  • Those who attended the theatrical releases of the film received Volume m, similar to how Strong World attendees received Volume 0.
  • The film's credits feature the blitheness and color-scheme of some characters who were depicted as children in the SBS Question corner: Sengoku, Monkey D. Garp, Kuzan, Sakazuki, Borsalino, Jinbe, Dracule Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Bartholomew Kuma, Marshall D. Teach, Donquixote Doflamingo, Perona, Scratchmen Apoo, Trafalgar Law, Basil Hawkins, and Eustass Kid. The credits also showed Brook as a child.
  • This is the second One Piece movie, Strong World beingness the first, to get a theatrical release in France.
  • This is the third One Piece film to be dubbed in English by FUNimation.
  • This is besides the first of the post-timeskip One Piece content to exist dubbed in English language.
  • This film marked Takkō Ishimori's final performance every bit Sengoku before his death on June 5, 2013.
  • Chopper'southward autograph from Sogeking that he got in the Enies Lobby Arc (unaware it was only Usopp in disguise) tin be seen hanging upwards in the medical room.
  • A magnetic signal on the Ocean Train road reads, "Magnetic Signal Company", "Los Angeles, CA", mark the first time a existent world location and company have been explicitly named in One Piece.
  • Some of the pirates seen as Kuzan explains how it would be a disaster if pirates took reward of the Endpoints are modeled afterwards Oda's unused character design sketches, such equally Jabra with spikier hair and a lanky figure, and Apollo, a prototype grapheme for CP9 who would exist replaced with Kumadori.


  1. FUNimation
  2. Toei 2012 Pic lineup.
  3. New movie announcement
  4. Motion-picture show 12 Website, offset plot summary revealed
  5. Twitter
  6. Shonen Jump — Volume 47, twelvemonth 2012, Avril is stated to sing for ii theme songs.
  7. Anime News Network — One Piece Film Z Cast Wears Armani Exchange Suits in Anime, several from the Harbinger Hats wearing the outfits.

External links

  • Wayback Machine, cyberspace archive of official picture show website

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[5 ·due east ·?]

Plot of One Piece

Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga
E Blue: Romance Dawn  • Orangish Town  • Syrup Village  • Baratie  • Arlong Park  • Loguetown
Cover Stories : Buggy's Coiffure Chance Chronicles   • Diary of Koby-Meppo
Arabasta: Reverse Mountain  • Whisky Peak  • Little Garden  • Drum Island  • Arabasta
Comprehend Stories : Jango's Dance Paradise   • Hatchan's Ocean-Flooring Stroll
Sky Isle: Jaya  • Skypiea
Cover Stories : Wapol's Omnivorous Hurrah   • Ace's Great Blackbeard Search
Water vii: Long Band Long Land  • H2o seven  • Enies Vestibule  • Post-Enies Lobby
Cover Stories : Gedatsu's Adventitious Bluish-Bounding main Life   • Miss Goldenweek's "Functioning: Meet Bizarre Works"   • Where They Are Now (Skypiea)   • Enel's Great Infinite Operations
Thriller Bark: Thriller Bark
Embrace Story : Where They Are Now (Water 7)
Peak War: Sabaody Archipelago  • Amazon Lily  • Impel Down  • Marineford  • Postal service-State of war
Embrace Stories : CP9'southward Independent Study   • Straw Chapeau's Separation Serial
The Final Bounding main: The New Earth Saga
Fish-Man Isle: Return to Sabaody  • Fish-Man Island
Cover Story : From the Decks of the World
Dressrosa: Punk Hazard  • Dressrosa
Comprehend Stories : Caribou's Kehihihihi in the New Earth   • Solo Journey of Jinbe, Knight of the Sea
Whole Cake Island: Zou  • Whole Cake Island
Cover Stories : From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc   • The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Armada
Wano Country: Levely  • Wano Land
Cover Stories : "Gang" Bege's Oh My Family   • Germa 66'south Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion
Filler Arcs: Warship Island  • Post-Arabasta  • Caprine animal Island  • Ruluka Isle  • 1000-8  • Ocean's Dream  • Foxy's Render  • Water ice Hunter  • Spa Isle  • Little Due east Blue  • Z's Ambition  • Caesar Retrieval  • Silverish Mine  • Marine Rookie  • Cidre Club
Movies: One Slice: The Movie  • Clockwork Isle Risk  • Chopper's Kingdom on the Isle of Strange Animals  • Dead Cease Chance  • The Cursed Holy Sword  • Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Isle  • The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle  • Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates  • Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura  • One Piece Film: Stiff World  • One Piece 3D: Harbinger Hat Chase  • Ane Piece Film: Z   • Ane Piece Film: Golden  • 1 Slice: Stampede  • 1 Piece Film: Cerise
Specials: Adventure in the Ocean'due south Navel  • Open Upon the Not bad Sea! A Father'due south Huge, HUGE Dream!  • Protect! The Terminal Great Performance  • The Detective Memoirs of Primary Straw Lid Luffy  • Mugiwara Theater  • Episode of Nami  • Episode of Luffy  • Episode of Merry  • 3D2Y  • Episode of Sabo  • Adventure of Nebulandia  • Heart of Gold  • Episode of East Bluish  • Episode of Sky Island
Featurettes: Jango'south Trip the light fantastic toe Carnival  • Dream Soccer Male monarch  • Accept Aim! The Pirate Baseball Rex  • 1 PIECE 3D! Trap Coaster  • The Neat Treasure of Tongari Island
OVAs: Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack  • Romance Dawn Story  • One Slice Flick Strong World: Episode 0  • Infiltrate!! Thousand Sunny  • Glorious Island  • I Piece Motion-picture show: Gold Episode 0
Other Related Stories
Supplementary Stories: Monsters  • Affiliate 0  • I Piece novel A (I Piece episode A)  • One Piece novel Harbinger Lid Stories  • One Piece novel Law  • One Piece novel HEROINES
Omake: Luffy Pirates iv-Jail cell Theatre  • Orchestra of the Sea  • Report Time  • Obahan Time  • No Honor Time  • Chopper Man  • Monster Time  • Space Fourth dimension  • Red Hair of Class iii-Ocean Fourth dimension  • Märchen Time  • Family Time  • Ed Sullivan Show  • Swell Detective Loomes  • Circus Time  • RPG Time
Crossovers: Jump Super Stars  • Cross Epoch  • One Piece ten Toriko Crossover  • Episode 492  • Episode 542  • Episode 590  • Shokugeki no Sanji
One-Shots: Romance Dawn (Episode 907)  • Special Episode "Luff"  • Roronoa Zoro Falls Into the Bounding main  • Vivi'south Run a risk
Events: Kyutai Panic Adventure! (Kyutai Panic Run a risk Returns!)  • One Slice Premier Show  • I Piece x Kyoto

[5 ·e ·?]

Neo Marines

Members: Z  • Own  • Binz  • Shuzo  • Alpacacino
Ships: White Tiger
Devil Fruit based: Mosa Mosa no Mi  • Modo Modo no Mi
Weapon based: Dyna Rock  • Battle Smasher  • Shiro Kuma
Fighting Style based: Haki  • Rokushiki
Related Articles
Movie and Other media: I Piece Film: Z   • Z'southward Ambition Arc
Locations: New World  • Endpoints  • Firs Island  • Secon Island  • Piriodo
Others: Grand Reboot  • Marines (Admiral)  • Cyborgs  • Seastone  • Ocean Guide

[v ·e ·?]


Marine Officers: Sakazuki  • Borsalino  • Issho  • Aramaki  • Sengoku  • Monkey D. Garp  • Tsuru  • John Giant  • Comil  • Momonga  • Onigumo  • Doberman  • Strawberry  • Yamakaji  • Behemothic Team (Lacroix  • Lonz)  • Dalmatian  • Stainless  • Mozambia  • Cancer  • Bastille  • Smoker  • Maynard  • Gion  • Tokikake  • Draw  • Sicily  • Akehende  • Catacombo  • Kadar  • Hina  • Daigin  • Yarisugi  • Brannew  • Kibin  • T Bone  • Very Skillful  • Shu  • Sharinguru  • Gorilla  • Tashigi  • Koby  • Nezumi  • Ripper  • Helmeppo  • Glove  • Zott  • Stalker  • Rokkaku  • Makko  • Isuka  • Bogard  • Candre  • Sentomaru  • X Drake
Subordinates and Others: Vegapunk  • Shine  • Mashikaku  • Asahija  • Fullbody  • Jango  • Lines  • Ukkari  • Pike  • Bomba  • Bakezo  • Jero  • Gal  • Judges  • Kyuji  • Koda  • Fishbonen
Not-Canon: Jonathan  • Komei  • Prodi  • Wilder  • Blago  • Graydle  • Balzac  • Yukimura  • Bilić  • Nelson Royale  • Moore  • Trap  • All-Hunt Grount  • Pontanitaire  • Governor  • Shepherd  • Hardy  • Rapanui Pasqua  • Drake  • Isoka  • Pukau  • Akibi  • Rongo  • Lego  • Regis  • Hot Wind Marines  • Saga  • Toma  • Bismarck  • Boo Kong  • Jessica  • Shinpachi  • Billy  • Tom  • Marley Brothers  • Tajio  • Kobato  • Mekao  • Giant Baseball Team  • Pijama  • Slim  • Edomae  • Chico Flake  • Mucho  • Loudness  • Tagosaku  • Amity  • Meganetti  • Moyashi  • Dojaku  • Kansho  • Straight  • Bend  • Marine X  • Pismire De Bonham  • Shimoi Zappa  • Pokke  • Merlin  • Diomis  • Duncan  • Comb  • Drinking glass  • Marron  • Horo
Former Marines
Catechism: Kong   • Jaguar D. Saul   • Bell-mère   • Diez Barrels   • Donquixote Rosinante   • Caesar Clown   • Morgan   • Pudding Pudding   • Kuzan   • Vergo   • Attach
Non-Catechism: Z   • Shuzo   • Randolph   • Jim   • Daddy Masterson   • LeMay   • Minchey   • Gasparde   • Ryudo   • Ain   • Binz   • Blast   • Isaac
Send(southward): Marine Ships  • Alexandra   • Stan Maley   • Pine Acme   • Salamander
Vehicles: Billower Bike  • Ao Chari
Devil Fruit Based: Magu Magu no Mi  • Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu  • Pika Pika no Mi  • Zushi Zushi no Mi  • Hie Hie no Mi   • Woshu Woshu no Mi  • Moku Moku no Mi  • Ori Ori no Mi  • Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Allosaurus  • Beri Beri no Mi  • Sabi Sabi no Mi  • Shari Shari no Mi  • Nagi Nagi no Mi   • Gasu Gasu no Mi   • Nepa Nepa no Mi   • Mono Mono no Mi   • Meta Meta no Mi   • Basu Basu no Mi   • Ame Ame no Mi   • Mosa Mosa no Mi   • Modo Modo no Mi   • Zuma Zuma no Mi
Fighting Mode Based: Haki  • Rokushiki  • Breath Qigong
Weapon Based: Shigure  • Kashu  • Yamaoroshi  • Nanashaku Jitte  • Bamboo  • Same-kiri Bocho  • Buster Telephone call  • Pacifista  • Konpira  • Eagle Launcher   • Battle Smasher   • Dyna Stone
Related Articles
Marine Bases: Base of Marine Headquarters  • Marineford (Gates of Justice)  • G-one  • M-ii  • Chiliad-3  • Grand-5  • K-8 (Navarone Island)   • 8th Branch   • 16th Branch  • 77th Branch  • 80th Branch  • 153rd Branch (Shells Town)  • Loguetown  • Karakuri Island  • Punk Hazard   • Asuka Island   • Trap Tower   • Hand Island   • Firs Island   • Tongari Island   • Nebulandia   • Promise Land   • Chiliad-F   • Jail Isle
Groups: Marine Ranks (Admiral  • Vice Admiral  • Captain)  • SWORD  • SSG
Events: God Valley Incident  • Ohara Incident  • Performance Utopia  • Top War of Marineford  • Nightmare of Baldimore (Legend of the Sacred Burning Animal of Baldimore)  • Rocky Port Incident  • Grand Reboot
Concepts: Justice  • Epithet  • Bounties  • Will of D.  • Buster Call
Story Arcs: Romance Dawn Arc  • Syrup Hamlet Arc  • Baratie Arc  • Arlong Park Arc  • Loguetown Arc  • Warship Island Arc   • Niggling Garden Arc  • Arabasta Arc  • Mail service-Arabasta Arc   • Goat Island Arc   • Ruluka Isle Arc   • Jaya Arc  • Yard-eight Arc   • Long Ring Long Country Arc  • Water 7 Arc  • Enies Anteroom Arc  • Postal service-Enies Lobby Arc  • Thriller Bark Arc  • Sabaody Archipelago Arc  • Amazon Lily Arc  • Impel Down Arc  • Marineford Arc  • Chapter 0  • Postal service-War Arc  • Return to Sabaody Arc  • Fish-Man Island Arc  • Z'due south Ambition Arc   • Punk Hazard Arc  • Dressrosa Arc  • Zou Arc  • Marine Rookie Arc   • Levely Arc  • Wano Country Arc
Cover Stories: Diary of Koby-Meppo  • Jango's Dance Paradise  • Wapol's Omnivorous Hurrah  • Ace's Great Blackbeard Search  • Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works"  • CP9's Independent Study  • Straw Hat's Separation Serial  • "Gang" Bege'due south Oh My Family
Movies: Dead End Adventure  • The Cursed Holy Sword  • Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates  • I Piece Film: Strong World  • One Slice 3D: Straw Chapeau Chase  • One Piece Film: Z   • One Piece Film: Gilt  • One Piece: Stampede  • I Piece Film: Red
Specials, Featurettes and OVAs: Protect! The Concluding Great Performance  • Episode of Nami  • Episode of Luffy  • Episode of Merry  • 3D2Y  • Episode of Sabo  • Hazard of Nebulandia  • Heart of Gold  • Episode of E Blue  • Jango'south Trip the light fantastic Carnival  • 1 PIECE 3D! Trap Coaster  • The Swell Treasure of Tongari Island  • One Piece Film Strong World: Episode 0
Other: World Government  • Three Groovy Powers  • Seastone  • Ox Bell  • Globe War machine Typhoon  • Ocean Guide   • Fleet  • Sora, Warrior of the Sea (Sora)

[v ·eastward ·?]

Dock Isle

Citizens: Mobston  • Bolt  • Gari  • Mobston's Granddaughter
Related Articles
Film: One Piece Motion-picture show: Z
Other: Bounding main Train

[v ·due east ·?]

Secon Island

Citizens: Marin  • Homey  • Zomino  • Purin
Locations: Kazanonsen
Related Articles
Motion-picture show: One Piece Picture show: Z
Other: Sea Railroad train  • Endpoints


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